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Challenges in Marriage is temporarily out of stock while it is being reissued.
"I'm going through your Song of Solomon material a second time. I'm always amazed at your insight. Thanks." (Preacher)
"Thanks for the very informative and interesting teaching you have on the Song of Solomon. I have never, ever understood that book until now." (Missouri Christian)
"I have listened to these classes and they are wonderful! I laughed; I cried; I learned a lot about what makes us tick. Why God made us the way we are. This year our ladies class gals decided to try something different. We are going to use Patsy's lessons for our weekly Bible study and we expect to have a thorough understanding of the Song of Solomon plus innumerable dividends in our personal lives. Thanks!"
"I have been through 10 of your classes on Marriage: A Taste of Heaven and the classes on Song of Solomon and they are the most valuable lessons to me and my family. My husband said I was the sweetest person he knew this morning, and he has never said that before. I have been a Christian for 26 years. My daughter and I will be starting the series together tonight. I can't wait for her to hear them."
"I listened to the series with my children on a car trip. Afterwards, one of my sons asked to keep the lessons in his room. Several years later, he asked Patsy for the documentation to the class on sex education in the schools to use in writing a high school English report on arguing effectively. The teacher was so impressed with his report that she asked to listen to the series. Years later, he and his bride-to-be planned their wedding around the beautiful poetry and concepts in this true love story." (Washington Preacher's Wife)
Author's note: Gathering the documentation on sex education in the schools for this young man resulted in writing the booklet Safe Sex: What They Don't Tell You.
God inspired the Song of Solomon to capture the emotions of the readers to help them deal intelligently with a very emotional subject--laying the foundation for a wonderful lifelong sexual relationship. This series of classes captures that emotion and brings to life the dilemma of the Shulammite about who to marry to enjoy a fulfilling lovelife--rich, powerful King Solomon or the common Shepherd.
King Solomon provides the perfect study for sensuous love vs. true love. With all his wealth and prestige, he enjoyed access to the most beautiful and sexually-experienced women of his time. He had only 140 wives at the time of the Song of Solomon, but eventually went through 1000 women during his 40-year reign. He enjoyed live bands and luxuries beyond description. Solomon didn't need flat paper women or frolicking computer graphics to turn him on--he delighted in real bodies. If ever a man could have found the perfect feminine body to give him fulfillment, Solomon was that man.
The Song of Solomon shatters false religious beliefs among many Christian women that godly women don't enjoy sex. Sadly, our society has lost much of the wisdom of the Shulammite's mother who taught her daughter that sex was for her, too, and how to pleasure a man.
God inspired the captivating Song of Solomon to bless the lives of every man and woman regardless of their age or upbringing by teaching them how to find true love, enjoy a lifelong sexual partner, and build a successful marriage. Lovemaking originated within the mind of God along with beautiful sunsets and undersea wonders, and this beautiful true story demonstrates his love for his people.
Ideal for personal study, classes, and counseling
NOTE: A Christian, who successfully overcame his sexual addiction, listened to this series of classes during his recovery. He recognized in King Solomon many of the same attitudes toward women that sexual addicts have. Listening to the classes helped him learn from King Solomon's example and helped him re-examine his pubery years when he began many of his harmful habits. Doing the exercises provided insights into his sexual addiction. After recovery, he studied the material with his teenage children during their family time. He readily recommends the series to other men and that they listen to the classes over and over while driving to work when it is easy for their minds to explore illicit lust.
Timely Topics Discussed in a Frank Manner
- Verse-by-verse study of the Song of Solomon taught by scenes as if watching a play (the way God inspired it)
- How teenagers face the greatest temptations known in history
- What happened to that sweet little toddler and pre-schooler?
- New research on AIDS and teenagers
- How masturbation actually decreases sexual pleasure with a real person
- The key to sexual satisfaction for both men and women
- Statistics prove Christians make the best lovers
- How a Christian can discuss sex education in the schools where God can't be mentioned
- Why studying King Solomon gives insight into sexual addiction