Sometimes Google Forms won't let you proceed to the next part of the Sexless Marriages & Without Natural Affection Reflective Survey. This seems to happen most frequently when you're taking the survey on your cell phone.
When you run into a problem, you can click on the appropriate link to get to the next checklist.
Checklist 1: Are You or Your Companion Without Natural Affection?
Checklist 2: Are Narcissism & Codependency in Your Homes of Origin?
Checklist 3: Are You or Your Companion a Type 1--Sexually Naive Sexless Spouse?
Checklist 4: Are You or Your Companion a Type 2--Fire-Flirting Sexless Spouse?
Checklist 5: Are You or Your Companion a Type 3--Morally Polluted Hate-Filled Sexless Spouse?
Checklist 6: Are Your Children & Grandchildren Being Harmed by Your Sexless Relationship?
If you have a problem accessing any of the free eBooklets, the passwords are repeated on the thank you pages of each additional checklist. If you need help to access the free eBooklets, please email me and I'll send you the copy.
If you have further problems, please contact me at patsy at
I'm sorry for these inconveniences with using Google Forms.