Do you feel trapped in a loveless, sexless marriage?
Do you feel like you're going:
~ Crazy
~ Drowning
~ Can't think straight
~ Trapped
~ Your masculine or feminine spirit is crushed
~ Your soul has been killed
~ Do you feel all alone with no one to talk to who understands?
Urgent Problem
- Instead of helping, does your church blame you?
- Does your spouse browbeat you with scriptures?
- Do you wonder if you have scriptural grounds to divorce?
- Have you lost touch with who you are and what your purpose is?
- Are you just trying to hang on until your hormones slow down?
Well, read on...
You've come to the right place.
God wants you to love and enjoy a passionate marriage. He wants you to enjoy peace and happiness. God doesn't trap anyone in unloving marriages. He provides multiple ways of escape.
Urgent Solution
As a marriage, sex, and divorce coach, I work with clients who have tried almost everything to save their sexless marriage without much success. A dead bedroom is only one symptom of 24/7 clustered love sins. I help clients get to the core issues in their sexless marriage so they can make healthy decisions for themselves and their children.
I offer 1-on-1 Christian Marriage, Sex, & Divorce Coaching from many insights.
I know what it's like to feel alone with no one to trust or talk to. I care about you and your children because I've walked in your shoes in my own sexless marriage and your children's shoes as both an adult child and as a mother of two children. Select the coaching program that meets your needs:
1-on-1 Coaching to answer your marriage, sex, and divorce questions from the Bible. It includes 1 hour of Q&A coaching regarding your most pressing needs. Learn more...
WHO ARE YOU? Discover Your Genetic Personality to Release Your Most Loving, Authentic Self (for individuals, couples, and parents)
Choose from 2 Coaching Programs:
Plan 1: One-Month Unmask Your Genetic Personality Coaching Program to discover your genetic personality and God-given talents. Includes four (4) 1-hour coaching sessions with email support.
Plan 2: Two-Month Set Your Authentic Personality Free Coaching Program to help restore your feminine or masculine spirit that has been crushed by years of trying to survive an unloving marriage. Includes four (4) 1-hour coaching sessions each month for a total of eight (8 ) hours coaching plus email support.
It includes options for individual and couples plus special customization for parents.
Christian Divorce Coaching is customized to meet your needs. Are you trying to save your marriage? Sometimes working the WHO ARE YOU? program above helps turn a desperate marriage around. But we have no guarantees since every one must make their own choice about trying to solve their problems.
But if you need to explore God's avenue of escape from a loveless, sexless marriage through divorce that is as righteous as partaking of the Lord's Supper. Email Patsy @ to determine what your needs are. Learn more...
Custom 1-Month Coaching Program after you've taken the free Sexless Marriages & Without Natural Affection Reflective Survey to identify your core issues. For example, the survey may reveal that you have:
Sexual issues of your own besides being in a sexless marriage
- Your masculine or feminine spirit has been crushed
- You and/or your spouse practice dirty fighting
- You are strongly masked from growing up in a severely dysfunctional home
A month-by-month program will be custom designed to address your multiple needs at the same time. Includes four (4) 1-hour coaching sessions plus email support per purchased month.
Email Patsy @ to get started on the survey. I'll send you a free personal analysis of your results along with a custom coaching proposal.
And while our personal stories may be different, we are all affected by the home we grew up in and the person we married. I can help you turn your past into a springboard for true happiness and love.
Men and Women Are Always Asking, "Can I Talk to You?"
Now you can…friends talking on the phone studying together God’s love, wisdom, and plans of escape for sexless marriages.
I Can Help You Devise a Plan of Action To…
- Open your heart to what true love looks, sounds, tastes, feels, smells, and acts
like for SPEAKING GOD’S BEAUTIFUL LANGUAGE OF LOVE™ as portrayed in the Song of Solomon.
- Open your eyes to how universal 24/7 daytime clustered love sins translate into nighttime dead bedrooms.
- Open your mind to God’s loving solutions for unloving marriages including divorce when applicable that is as honorable as partaking of the Lord's Supper.
With your heart, eyes, and mind open to the core problems of sexless marriages, you can begin to make loving, healthy decisions for yourself and your children.
It’s past time to transform your life from the inside out….
Your Next Steps...When You're Ready to End the Craziness
Statistics show that most people suffer in a sexless marriage for 6 to 30 years before asking for expert help. All the while, the relationship is just growing more emotionally lonely than ever. Most of the 24/7 clustered love sins that go along with sexless marriages are done in secret while openly wreaking havoc on the whole family.
Schedule a coaching session NOW to help you make healthy decisions for yourself and your children.
Pay through PayPal before we talk:
Coaching must be paid before phone call.
Comments I Frequently Hear
- “You’ve set the captive free.”
- “I’m amazed at your insights.”
- “You helped me see that I’m not crazy after all.”
- “I had no idea the Bible had so much to say about marriage and sex.”
- “I’ve stopped blaming God for my problems—now I’m singing his praises.”
- “You’re right! The vaginal orgasm is better!”
- “I discovered a love for my husband and children I never experienced growing up.”
- “I never realized I had the potential to love this much in my heart.”
- “I have a better idea of how to correct our problems.”
- “Patsy! Patsy! I did it! I did it!” [her first vaginal orgasm]
- “I find myself singing aloud ‘Praise His name!’ I’m on a spiritual high!”
- “Never before have I heard such teaching about how the children are affected.”
- “This is the first time I’ve had hope.”
- “Your teaching on divorce gave me courage to do what I needed to do.”
- “I’m falling in love all over again.”
May God forgive us all for our naivety of the past and set us free with his marvelous truths that we might be bright lights for a world so desperately in need of his and our love.
With Christian love for you, I remain
Always in his and your service,
Patsy Rae Dawson participated in and taught college-level Bible classes for over 30 years. She was a minister’s wife for 22 of those years working with congregations in Washington, Texas, and California. Patsy is an internationally recognized expert on the Song of Solomon. CLASServices certified her as an Advanced Personality Trainer. She has mentored men and women for over 40 years on vaginal orgasms and sexless marriages. She authored three in-depth books on marriage that are used in congregational studies plus numerous other publications. For more information, see her LinkedIn profile and About page at Her other websites are and